I had written this poem years ago when i was in sixth std...its all about a child's curiosity...
Little questions
Many questions to ask
No answers to be found
I looked round and round
Whom should i ask
Many questions arise
I should find someone wise
To answer them all..
The questions are but small
How can the birds fly
And why is the moon so high?
I wonder why does the sun hide
In the hills beside!
Who gave colours to the rainbow?
And what made the nature woe?
Is it because of the changing man
who destroys her whenever he can?
In autumn why the leaves are shed?
Is it because there is none to hear what they said?
Why are tears like raindrops?
And why is man full of hopes?
In spring why flowers bloom?
In winter why they are in gloom?
What made the birds sing
And spread out their wing?
Why does the tendril hug a tree?
And why does the caged bird want to be free?
Is it because freedom is great
And is slavery something we hate?
Who made the life so colourful?
Who made it joyful and sorrowful?
Who made it as fast as light?
Who made it as beautiful as sunset?
There are lot many questions more
To get answers for.
If someone comes to answer them
Im sure he can answer only some..
I will wait and see..
Who comes to answer me...
Is there anyone who can answer all?
The questions are but small!!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
I remember u when the sun goes down,
When the dark night leaves me alone...
When stars do wink at me and say,
You are so far far away..
I remember you when the evening paints
The blue sky red and gold and it pains
Me too; to think of you and long gone days
Which fills my heart with evening rays..
I remember you when this lovely rain
Chatter down my window pane...
Down the lane of mind..alone i fidget
For memories are too sweet to forget.!
I remember you when this little breeze
caress me..my hair and forlorn trees
And the fragrance of my jasmine flowers
Bring your thoughts under the summer showers..
I remember you dear as days fly away
Life goes on..But never rewinds a day
I remember you and thats all i can do..
And my silent prayers..my Gift for you..
When the dark night leaves me alone...
When stars do wink at me and say,
You are so far far away..
I remember you when the evening paints
The blue sky red and gold and it pains
Me too; to think of you and long gone days
Which fills my heart with evening rays..
I remember you when this lovely rain
Chatter down my window pane...

For memories are too sweet to forget.!
I remember you when this little breeze
caress me..my hair and forlorn trees
And the fragrance of my jasmine flowers
Bring your thoughts under the summer showers..
I remember you dear as days fly away
Life goes on..But never rewinds a day
I remember you and thats all i can do..
And my silent prayers..my Gift for you..
Some people say life is a game;
But others dont think the same
"Life is a challenge" they may say
Or something for which we cant pay.
"what is life?" everybody asks
But agrees it is full of tasks
We can say life is a delicious dish
Or a race with an unknown finish
With sweet memories and bitter moments
With sugary friends and salty foes
All agree there is gain and loss
And life ,it is so nice...
To astronomers life is as endless as space
Which some people end in a haste..
To scientists life is something new
Which is yet to discover for you..
To an engineer life is a plan
To a doctor it is the service u can
To a musician life is a melody
To a minister it is caring for the needy...
To a writer life is a book of hopes
Whose pages are wet with tear drops
To a poet it is a journey;unknown
Where we meet and part our beloveds and go on..
To a child life is a world of colours
A world of trees and flowers
When we are aged life is loneliness
With none but memories with us...
To a student it is the fulfilling of an aim
to the youth it is the enjoying time
To a mother it is sacrifice and care
to a father it is the moments to share...
Each life has something to tell
Before parting to heaven or hell
A message to us it has to convey
Before we select our own way....
Life is something which we cant predict
Only we can flow with it's current
Don't care about it's beginning or end
Realize how usefully it should be spent!
But others dont think the same
"Life is a challenge" they may say
Or something for which we cant pay.
"what is life?" everybody asks
But agrees it is full of tasks
We can say life is a delicious dish
Or a race with an unknown finish
With sweet memories and bitter moments
With sugary friends and salty foes
All agree there is gain and loss
And life ,it is so nice...
To astronomers life is as endless as space
Which some people end in a haste..
To scientists life is something new
Which is yet to discover for you..
To an engineer life is a plan
To a doctor it is the service u can
To a musician life is a melody
To a minister it is caring for the needy...
To a writer life is a book of hopes
Whose pages are wet with tear drops
To a poet it is a journey;unknown
Where we meet and part our beloveds and go on..
To a child life is a world of colours
A world of trees and flowers
When we are aged life is loneliness
With none but memories with us...
To a student it is the fulfilling of an aim
to the youth it is the enjoying time
To a mother it is sacrifice and care
to a father it is the moments to share...
Each life has something to tell
Before parting to heaven or hell
A message to us it has to convey
Before we select our own way....
Life is something which we cant predict
Only we can flow with it's current
Don't care about it's beginning or end
Realize how usefully it should be spent!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
You meet me often with my basket
And i have golden keys to your dream's casket..
I sail through the sky with my basket of hopes
And pour from it..pretty rain drops!!
Why are you sad ,my little human
when there awaits you,the eternal heaven?
Learn to dream,aim high and fly
Let there be no tears left for me to dry.........
Be bold;face life as it is...
Be charming as the evergreen trees..
Never you fret;for life's too sweet to hold
A lovely tale..beautifully told..
Smile at worries coming your way
Shed a tear;but gone is yesterday
sweet are memories....but caress more
The footprints you leave today on sea shore!!
Accept realities before its late
Let there be nothing you ever hate..
For i shall fill your bowls with heavenly love
and keep you smiling like stars above..
Do to the world the good you can
and you will be the greatest man....
Enlighten your life with hopes and dreams
For the world is not what it seems...
So come ,you earthly thing..hold my hand
As i guide you with my magic wand..
when you have lived this life's to the fullest,when you die...
On to the heavens we shall together fly..........
And i have golden keys to your dream's casket..
I sail through the sky with my basket of hopes
And pour from it..pretty rain drops!!
Why are you sad ,my little human
when there awaits you,the eternal heaven?
Learn to dream,aim high and fly
Let there be no tears left for me to dry.........
Be bold;face life as it is...
Be charming as the evergreen trees..

A lovely tale..beautifully told..
Smile at worries coming your way
Shed a tear;but gone is yesterday
sweet are memories....but caress more
The footprints you leave today on sea shore!!
Accept realities before its late
Let there be nothing you ever hate..
For i shall fill your bowls with heavenly love
and keep you smiling like stars above..
Do to the world the good you can
and you will be the greatest man....
Enlighten your life with hopes and dreams
For the world is not what it seems...
So come ,you earthly thing..hold my hand
As i guide you with my magic wand..
when you have lived this life's to the fullest,when you die...
On to the heavens we shall together fly..........
Friday, November 5, 2010
An Ode To Autumn Leaves
You weep looking towards the sky
Shivering on the branches of a tree

Coloured with memories old
Alone in the bitter cold
Whispering to yourselves u stay
Watching the day fade away....
When u hear the wind's flute
U suddenly go very mute
Afraid to be carried off
Yet in the air longing to float!!
Many a sunray u have touched...
Much in mist and fog u were engulfed
Silvered by the lightning amidst night;
An adorned bride in morning light.
You have stayed for long
A life as a melodious as a song
Now is to end. as you are off
In this autumn wind u are carried off....
like my memories u fly
Beneath the pale autumn sky
Down here u lie as a heap
From a life so short to a sleep so deep.....
It reminds me of the shattered dreams of man
I know nothing ever can
Bring that green back on ur cheeks of gold......
Here i sat sad, and weak and old
Under this lonely autumn tree
Whispering to her" oh,tree...u are like me"
Monday, November 1, 2010
The Last day in my old school
As I took the last flight of stairs..
From the past, from my old school.
Tears filled my eyes,remembering my school days
here i m leaving forever,my old school
I felt the laughter in the corridors die away
when we friends part each on his way..
All in a hurry to colour their undrawn future
Smashing behind them the rich oil-portraits f past
The teachers stood their waving to us
Was there tears behind their eyes
The gentle hands that helped shape us
Shivering due to cold or sadness ; i know not
The same hands that welcomed us years ago
Will continue their jobs to kids years hence
And when they are ready to leave,with a good bye
not caring to thank those hands they step away..
The playground that echoed our shouts and cries..
Lay still...Here only silent good byes
Never will our feet touch that sands again
For time has swept us ahead through many a summer and rain!!
The classrooms that chorused our song
And cheered our achievements all along
The benches and desks which shared our whispers
All lie so cold and abandoned like torn of pictures
The garden trees alone let a mourn very low
They were small when i joined here years ago
And in these twelve years time can change..and we too change!!
Only when its time to take leave of things
We realize how precious they are to us
By that time it will be too late
For we are controlled by invisible hands of fate...
Here in my school I learnt rights from wrongs
Alphabets, words, poems,and songs
Here i developed my mind
And learnt to be truthful and kind
Here i met my friends...those friendships
Which helped me survive hardships...
Oh my school, words are not enough to thank you
For u have given me worlds best teachers too..
Now i leave you forever, my school
stepping to the future, a last glance back..
But your memories in me will lie
Eternal sweet and pure,till i die.......!!!!
From the past, from my old school.
Tears filled my eyes,remembering my school days
here i m leaving forever,my old school
I felt the laughter in the corridors die away
when we friends part each on his way..
All in a hurry to colour their undrawn future
Smashing behind them the rich oil-portraits f past
The teachers stood their waving to us
Was there tears behind their eyes
The gentle hands that helped shape us
Shivering due to cold or sadness ; i know not
The same hands that welcomed us years ago
Will continue their jobs to kids years hence
And when they are ready to leave,with a good bye
not caring to thank those hands they step away..
The playground that echoed our shouts and cries..
Lay still...Here only silent good byes
Never will our feet touch that sands again
For time has swept us ahead through many a summer and rain!!
The classrooms that chorused our song
And cheered our achievements all along
The benches and desks which shared our whispers
All lie so cold and abandoned like torn of pictures
The garden trees alone let a mourn very low
They were small when i joined here years ago
And in these twelve years time can change..and we too change!!
Only when its time to take leave of things
We realize how precious they are to us
By that time it will be too late
For we are controlled by invisible hands of fate...
Here in my school I learnt rights from wrongs
Alphabets, words, poems,and songs
Here i developed my mind
And learnt to be truthful and kind
Here i met my friends...those friendships
Which helped me survive hardships...
Oh my school, words are not enough to thank you
For u have given me worlds best teachers too..
Now i leave you forever, my school
stepping to the future, a last glance back..
But your memories in me will lie
Eternal sweet and pure,till i die.......!!!!
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Stanzas written under the evening sky
The sky is red,the birds are to fly
the waves are dancing low n high
on the sea spreading his golden net
the glorious sun is about to set
The leaves rustled a meloncholy strain
The nightingale sang in pain
in the slowly blowing breeze
Swayed the silent trees....
oh!dusk the most beautiful hour
of a day full of glories n power
u have not charm of dawn nor noons might
u hav not the divine lullaby of night
But u have in u more of grace
u r blessed with a serene face.
and the power to bring back memories old
and turn everything pretty gold...
As these lovely waves play at my feet
faar there in the horizon
the sea n sky meet
a sand castle built by a child sways
and reminds me of my childhood days
though i know a day may follow another
and always dear ones cannot be together
whenever i see the sunset
i wonder why my eyes r wet!...
the waves are dancing low n high
on the sea spreading his golden net
the glorious sun is about to set
The leaves rustled a meloncholy strain
The nightingale sang in pain
in the slowly blowing breeze
Swayed the silent trees....
oh!dusk the most beautiful hour
of a day full of glories n power
u have not charm of dawn nor noons might
u hav not the divine lullaby of night
But u have in u more of grace
u r blessed with a serene face.
and the power to bring back memories old
and turn everything pretty gold...
As these lovely waves play at my feet
faar there in the horizon
the sea n sky meet
a sand castle built by a child sways
and reminds me of my childhood days
though i know a day may follow another
and always dear ones cannot be together
whenever i see the sunset
i wonder why my eyes r wet!...
Thursday, September 30, 2010
my memories
My memories are like clouds so high
white and black scattered in the sky
They wander up above;they fall as rain!
they hide in themselves both laughter and pain.
My memories are like leaves on a tree
Green and yellow ,colours of my past i see...
Some stay there green, some fall below unseen
Through them i search for what i have been..
My memories are like stars in the night
They guide me always shining bright
I see them if even some had died long ago
They teach me the worthlessness of tomorrow
My memories are like flowers that bloom
Wiping my sadness when i am in gloom
In my mind's garden they open their eyes
with joy and tears they make me wise
My memories are like the blowing breeze
I feel their presence , i smell their fragrance..
My memories are like the evening sky
For i feel sad to bid them good bye
Oh ! my cloudy memories hide me in your fur...
My leafy memories stay green in me forever...
My starry memories shine even after i die..
My flowery memories smile with tears in your eye..
My windy memories take me to my past
For the years have folded their petals so fast..
Oh !my memories like the evening sky..
Never thou fade until i die!!!
white and black scattered in the sky
They wander up above;they fall as rain!
they hide in themselves both laughter and pain.
My memories are like leaves on a tree

Some stay there green, some fall below unseen
Through them i search for what i have been..
My memories are like stars in the night
They guide me always shining bright
I see them if even some had died long ago
They teach me the worthlessness of tomorrow
My memories are like flowers that bloom
Wiping my sadness when i am in gloom
In my mind's garden they open their eyes
with joy and tears they make me wise
My memories are like the blowing breeze
I feel their presence , i smell their fragrance..
My memories are like the evening sky
For i feel sad to bid them good bye
Oh ! my cloudy memories hide me in your fur...
My leafy memories stay green in me forever...
My starry memories shine even after i die..
My flowery memories smile with tears in your eye..
My windy memories take me to my past
For the years have folded their petals so fast..
Oh !my memories like the evening sky..
Never thou fade until i die!!!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
my grandfather
This poem is about my dad's father-my grand father!!.I wrote this when i was in eighth std,years ago.hope u all will like this, as one of my childhood poems.kindly read and tell your valuable comments...........
my grandfather
He used to sit in that arm chair
his deep eyes filled with love and care
He would sit waiting ,gazing at the road
He used to be lonely and bored
His simple dress and lovely smile
and even his silence for a little while
may have a thousand words to convey
To us,who lived so far far away.
He would break into a hearty laugh
when we say some comic stuff
And he would always be glad
To listen to stories we ever had..
His gentle touch and sweet kiss
Were difficult for us to miss
his great heart bore no
concept of high and low
how happily he says
About his past golden days
and hearing that we would be inspired
but never were we tired..
when we come there would be cheers
in his great old eyes
but they will be full of tears
when he hears our good byes..
He was like the morning sun
And like him there was none
His heart was so bright
he shone to give us light
And that light guides us
Through these hard ways of life
And always inspires us
To live a confident life.
And i wonder if
he could hear me now;
when he resides in a star
in the sky above.........
my grandfather
He used to sit in that arm chair
his deep eyes filled with love and care
He would sit waiting ,gazing at the road
He used to be lonely and bored
His simple dress and lovely smile
and even his silence for a little while
may have a thousand words to convey
To us,who lived so far far away.
He would break into a hearty laugh
when we say some comic stuff
And he would always be glad
To listen to stories we ever had..
His gentle touch and sweet kiss
Were difficult for us to miss
his great heart bore no
concept of high and low
how happily he says
About his past golden days
and hearing that we would be inspired
but never were we tired..
when we come there would be cheers
in his great old eyes
but they will be full of tears
when he hears our good byes..
He was like the morning sun
And like him there was none
His heart was so bright
he shone to give us light
And that light guides us
Through these hard ways of life
And always inspires us
To live a confident life.
And i wonder if
he could hear me now;
when he resides in a star
in the sky above.........
Monday, August 23, 2010
I can hear the music of life
sung so far far away
Its lonely tones merging into mine
As here ends another day...
I can feel the rhythm of life
Beating in a corner there
Its depth of agony somewhere in me
I do find adhere...
I can listen to the tunes of life
playing near my heart
The octaves of solitude i do find
when all are far apart....
I can behold the colours of life
blurring past my eyes
The hopes and flowers wither away
And in me a spring bird dies.,,,
I can see the footsteps of life
On the sandy shore of memories; wet
Not to be taken away by tides of time
Not to be faded yet...
I can touch the tears of life
On the window panes of mind..
And then wonder for a while as to..
Where my soul i can find?!!!
Friday, August 20, 2010
This is my poem
kindly read and tell ur opinion
this is about a little leaf which happened to grow in winter
I am born as a leaf so little
fluttering in the wind; very much brittle...
I m green and so glad to be one
but i have no fun since i m alone........
Everywhere the ground is white with snow
I wonder how i did ever grow
In this chilling winter season
without any obvious reason....
There is cold, cold in the air!
There is silence, silence everywhere.!
This stillness but makes me sad
Thou i always like to be glad.
The golden sky is vast, here she lies...
The raindrop tears and sunshine smiles..
To be with me is the windy song
Playing melodies all along..
yet so lonely i am, none to share..
my hopes dreams and desire..
yet a little leaf i am and a short life to hold
but before i leave a lot to unfold...
The naked branch shivers in the cold
soon i will turn pretty gold
then covered with white i will lie
for u know all must die...
To be surrounded by rustling leaves is my dream
But so far away it does seem
by the time earth is once more green
I would've left the world unseen!!!
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