Far Far away from these busy busy days
Amidst the green fields silvered by streams
Prettier than palaces,mansions dwells
A little cottage of my dreams..
On it's rooftop evening splashes gold
Memories lurk there,it's long corridors..
Around the great courtyard our kids shall run
And on the garden swing,often visits the spring..
And on those moon-lit nights
When love falls like gentle rain
Hand in Hand we shall walk
Down those silent lanes
Here, by the stream..your silence merges into mine
Under the stars,a thousand tales untold..
Your silence speaks..oh!how magical!!!
Those beautiful words of love.unfold...
Once in a while we shall go
Journeys with the wind..
Have stupid little fights,frown and smile
Laugh till our stomachs shall ache..in the end!!
And when i fall ill,at times..i hope
Though autumn leaves fall and whither away..
You will be ,by my side as always
A soothing touch,the whole long day..
Be it the little blessings heaven sends
Or the sorrows,,bitter tests in life
Each little moment we shall share
For i shall remain ur loving wife..
On our wedding day each year

Take me to the seashore where sunrays paint
Those colours of love on dusky skies..
Neither Jealousy nor hatred ever shall break
These strong knots of trust and care
Faces may wrinkle;.our hairs may grey
But never leave each others' hand any day..
Years and years from here
These little dreams shall come true..
With prayers and hopes and all my love
Dear,.I shall wait for you..!!